Tuesday, July 27, 2010

quasiquote for primitive lisp

I was searching for a basic quasiquote implementation in lisp which mentioned a paper by Alan Bawden. Anyway it was difficult to find via google so I figured I would type it up here for posterity. The original paper can be found: here.

(define (qq-expand x)
(cond ((tag-comma? x)
(tag-data x))
((tag-comma-atsign? x)
(error "Illegal"))
((tag-backquote? x)
(qq-expand (qq-expand (tag-data x))))
((pair? x)
`(append ,(qq-expand-list (car x))
,(qq-expand (cdr x))))
(else '', x)))

(define (qq-expand-list x)
(cond ((tag-comma? x)
`(list ,(tag-data x)))
((tag-comma-atsign? x)
(tag-data x))
((tag-backquote? x)
(qq-expand-list (qq-expand (tag-data x))))
((pair? x)
`(list (append ,(qq-expand-list (car x))
,(qq-expand (cdr x)))))
(else ''(,x))))

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