Friday, December 3, 2010

Revision to php TCO trampoline

Sometimes I wake up at 6am with the frightful knowledge that there is an edge case to something I wrote somewhere which is incorrect. The only thing worse than knowing someone on the internet is wrong ( is knowing you were wrong on the internet.

I realized in a dream that my trampoline would not work with higher order functions as it currently stands because the while loop is based on is_callable, obviously if your function is meant to return a function you would not want it to be executed immediately (particularly because it probably expects arguments etc.). All of a sudden the whole throwing an exception approach made sense - however thanks to php5.3s __invoke method I can handle this cleanly by wrapping each tail call in an instance of TrampolineBounce and then check "$return instanceof TrampolineBounce".

I figured if I am going to need a Trampoline class I may as well leverage __callStatic to allow for easier invocation of trampolined functions. With out further ado:

namespace Trampoline;

class Bounce {
private $func;
public function __construct($func) {
$this->func = $func;

function __invoke() {
return call_user_func_array($this->func, array());

class Trampoline {
public static function Bounce($func) {
return new Bounce($func);

public static function __callStatic($func, $args) {
$return = call_user_func_array($func, $args);
while($return instanceof Bounce) {
$return = $return();

return $return;

function even($n) {
return $n == 0 ? true : Trampoline::Bounce(function() use($n) { return odd($n - 1);});

function odd($n) {
return $n == 0 ? false : Trampoline::Bounce(function() use($n) { return even($n - 1);});

echo Trampoline::even(1500) ? 'Yep' : 'Nope';

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

tail call optimization in php 5.3

*note this has been revised: ( *

So I have been holding off on releasing my php lisp for the past couple of months for a few reasons. The first was I wanted to get quasiquotes/macros working correctly and the other was I wanted to get TCO working correctly. I checked quasiquotation and macro expansion off a few weeks ago and have been wrestling with TCO since. There are many work arounds such as only using higher order functions like map etc. which "underneath" use php foreach/while etc. but this always felt like a hack. Today I will show how I am accomplishing TCO. It is actually "pretty" enough that I would even use this technique in "normal" php if the need arose i.e. when implementing an algorithm where mutual recursion is the cleanest way of dealing with a given problem.

I had heard "tail" of a magical device called a "trampoline" but had yet to see one implemented in php. First lets set the scene for why such a thing is necessary.

Regular mutually recursive functions:

function even($n) {
return $n == 0 ? true : odd($n - 1);

function odd($n) {
return $n == 0 ? false: even($n - 1);

echo even(15000000) ? 'Yep' : 'Nope';

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 335544320 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 261900 bytes)

As you can imagine this would blow the stack pretty quickly. The solution is to return closures which close over the next function to be executed by the trampoline:

function trampoline($func, $args) {
$return = call_user_func_array($func, $args);
while(is_callable($return)) {
$return = $return();
return $return;

Ready for trampoline version of functions, notice the closures being returned:

function even($n) {
return $n == 0 ? true : function() use($n) { return odd($n - 1); };

function odd($n) {
return $n == 0 ? false : function() use($n) { return even($n - 1); };

echo trampoline('even', array(15000000)) ? 'Yep' : 'Nope';

No more blowing the stack!

For another example here's a tail call version of factorial:

function fact($n) {
$product = function($min, $max) use($n, &$product) {
return $min == $n ?
$max :
function() use(&$product, $min, $max) {
return $product(bcadd($min, 1), bcmul($min, $max));
return $product(1, $n);

echo trampoline('fact', array(5050));


So in other words PHLISP should be officially released by christmas eve.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ruby gem like system for php

With the advent of phar I feel the time is nigh for a ruby gem/perl cpan-esque system for distributing packages/sharing code. I know pear exists but honestly how does one distribute a package via pear? proposals? cvs? I am imagining something where you point it to a github project and it generates a phar, increments the version number, when ever you tell it a release is viable.

It would also be slick to be able to do something like:

namespace somePackage;

$x = new ClassFromSomePackage;

Where rock::require at dev time would check for the latest version of "somePackage" on the server, if it is newer than what is there (or it is not there at all) it will download the phar, put it in the library and then load the phar.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

mock table data

I got tired for looking at multidimensional arrays when writing lots of mock table data.

$orders = array(
array('email' => '', 'firstname' => 'shaun', 'lastname' => 'gilchrist', 'street' => '555 north 800 east', 'city' => 'Orem', 'state' => 'UT', 'zip' => '84097', 'country' => 'USA', 'phone' => '801-222-5555'),
array('email' => '', 'firstname' => 'peter', 'lastname' => 'jensen', 'street' => '5555 windsor street', 'city' => 'Salt Lake City', 'state' => 'UT', 'zip' => '84105', 'country' => 'USA', 'phone' => '801-555-0445'));

$orders = Voltron_Test::MockTable("
email | firstname | lastname | street | city | state | zip | country | phone | shaun | gilchrist | 555 north 800 east | Orem | UT | 84097 | USA | 801-222-5555 | peter | jensen | 5555 windsor street | Salt Lake City | UT | 84105 | USA | 801-555-0445

#relevant Volron_Test::MockTable method

public static function MockTable($data)
$rows = array();
foreach(explode("\n", $data) as $row) {
if(empty($row)) {
$row = array_map('trim', explode('|', $row));
if(!isset($cols)) {
$cols = $row;
$rows[] = array_combine($cols, $row);
return $rows;

Thursday, September 23, 2010

instantiating object inline via __callStatic

This is a nice hack for instantiating objects inline via php 5.3 __callStatic. What I dig about it v.s. the newObject('ClassName') is that a) You can pass in arbitrary constructors, w/ newObject it only supported the case of there being a single param to constructor i.e. newObject('ClassName', $x)->otherFunc($y) can now be N::ClassName($x)->otherFunc($y). I think I like the fact the class can be a "bare word" and that any number of constructors can be passed thus legacy classes etc. which may require arbitrary arguments can also be used.

class Test {
public function __construct($name, $age)
echo "Name: $name and Age: $age passed to constructor\n";

class N {
public static function __callStatic($className, $args)
$class = new ReflectionClass($className);
return $class->newInstanceArgs($args);

N::Test('some name', 300);

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

transmogrified function composition

Using the transmogrifier something like function composition such as:

(define (compose . fs)
(if (null? fs) (lambda (x) x)
(lambda (x) ((car fs) ((apply compose (cdr fs)) x)))))

Becomes possible like:

$compose = [$funcs |
empty($funcs) ? [$_] :

Which becomes:

$compose = function($funcs) use(&$compose) {
return empty($funcs) ? function($x) { return $x; } :
function($_ = false) use(&$funcs, &$compose) {
return apply(car($funcs), array(apply($compose(cdr($funcs)), array($_))));};};

I am not doing an exact copy here because I am not using ". rest" args as I would probably call this function like:

echo $compose({square negate cube})(500);
//shorter than
echo $compose('square', 'negate', 'cube')(500);

I think the above illustrates that really php IS capable of these sorts of things it's just that in it's incredibly gnarly. With a few syntax tweaks (square bracket closures w/ lexical scope, squiggly bracket arrays w/ barewords as strings, ability to use return value as function) - it's almost livable.

Friday, August 13, 2010

php quasiquote preprocessor

Sometimes itches must be scratched. Last nights musing leads to tonights finished quasiquote for php: It was nice to implement just quasiquote ignoring the rest of the lisp reader as before I had tried to "Add" quasiquote to my nearly complete lisp. As I discovered this was a mistake. In the future I am going to start the reader with quasiquote and build as much of the system with macros as possible.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Refactoring Voltron query DSL

This is an area of the framework I have not had a need to look at in a while and from this latest inspection it was blatantly not very well thought out. Admitting your own fallibility, I think, is probably the first step to being able to refactor your own code. Previously I had decided I really wanted to avoid seeing stuff like:

$UserModel->getWhere(array('type' => 'and', value' => array(
array('type' => '=', 'field' => 'name', 'value' => 'shaun'),
array('type' => 'or', 'value' => array(
array('type' => 'between', 'field' => 'age', 'value' => array(69, 100)),
array('type' => 'like', 'field' => 'l_name', 'value' => '%name%'))))));

So I went with a half baked dsl

Q::is('name', 'shaun'),
Q::is('age', Q::between(array(69, 100))),
Q::is('l_name', Q::like('%name%')))));

On first inspection that is not too bad but it rapidly gets out of control if you need to actually do something more in depth (nested or statements etc.). Not only that but all of the :: is pretty ugly as is the fact I can't use words like 'and', 'or' '=' etc. as method names. I also had this idea that "is" should be used for all operators. I have now abandoned that in the name of consistency and to reduce the complexity of the code which actually generates the sql.

Taking a prefix notation approach and refactoring W (for where instead of Q for query, leaving room for say F for the from stuff for defining joins and S for select) to merely be a global function which returns arrays like in the first example:

W('=', 'name', 'shaun'),
W('between', 'age', 69, 100),
W('like', 'l_name', '%name%'))));

I pine for quasiquote:

(= name shaun)
(between age 69 100)
(like l_name %name%))));

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

quasiquote for primitive lisp

I was searching for a basic quasiquote implementation in lisp which mentioned a paper by Alan Bawden. Anyway it was difficult to find via google so I figured I would type it up here for posterity. The original paper can be found: here.

(define (qq-expand x)
(cond ((tag-comma? x)
(tag-data x))
((tag-comma-atsign? x)
(error "Illegal"))
((tag-backquote? x)
(qq-expand (qq-expand (tag-data x))))
((pair? x)
`(append ,(qq-expand-list (car x))
,(qq-expand (cdr x))))
(else '', x)))

(define (qq-expand-list x)
(cond ((tag-comma? x)
`(list ,(tag-data x)))
((tag-comma-atsign? x)
(tag-data x))
((tag-backquote? x)
(qq-expand-list (qq-expand (tag-data x))))
((pair? x)
`(list (append ,(qq-expand-list (car x))
,(qq-expand (cdr x)))))
(else ''(,x))))

Monday, July 19, 2010

PHP to javascript fluent expressions

There are many times in Voltron views where I need to make a jquery/javascript call, initially I compromised and created the UI::ScriptSnippet in which I would put the typical "$(document).ready(function(){})" type deal in place. This was becoming increasingly more obnoxious particularly when the rest of the view code was so clean. So I give you the JSCallBuilder:

UI::JSCall('object')->method(array('a' => 'b'));
// renders to object.method({'a': 'b'});

UI::JSReady('object')->method(array('a' => 'b'));
//renders to <\script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ object.method({'a', 'b'}) });<\/script>
*/note the escaped script tags for bloggers sake? */

The source to make this happens is relatively trivial:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

solving the word cube in voltron

In response to:

/* returns array of words found in the 9 letters provided */
function solveCube($letters) {
$words = newType(TFile, 'words.txt')->splitBy("\n");

return newType(TString, $letters)
->powerSet('contains', $letters[4])
->map('permutations', I('asString')->in($words))

echo solveCube('ncbciune');

There are a few alternative ways that could be written and I am not sure if the idea of just having an optional filter as arguments to powerSet and permutations is entirely intuitive but the reality is that w/o the filter permutations will die on anything over 8 unless you crank the memory up in php.ini and thats just filthy.

Next post I will delve into iterative permutation and powerset internals on Array as that is obviously where the meat of that solution lies.

Monday, July 5, 2010

voltron model calculated fields

In the field definition of a voltron model you usually specify the field and the type as a key => val associative array. In the case that you have a calculated field the current practice is to specify field => array(Type::Calculated, 'methodNameOnRecord'). With fluent lambdas I have added a short cut:

class TimeRecord extends Voltron_Model
protected $table = 'time_record';

protected $fields = array(
'id' => Type::Primary,
'created' => Type::Timestamp,
'created_hour' => Type::Calculated('created')->asDateTime->formatAs('H'));

The magic lies with in the created_hour type definition which can also be written as Type::Calculated(I()->created->asDateTime->formatAs('H')).

Because of the oo and fluent nature of Voltron the majority of calculated fields can be defined this way rather than requiring an actual method definition in the record class.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

voltron and "fluent lambdas"

For lack of a better name I am sticking with "fluent lambda" which essentially is how I get around the lack of nice lambdas in php. Even in php 5.3 I find the function($val) { return $val + 1; } syntax to be overkill. I would much rather see L(val)->add(1)

Lets say you have a list of names and you want to reverse them, uppercase them and then join them by an & symbol. Currently in raw php you have a few options but the cleanest is probably something to the effect of either:

Idiomatic php:

$names = array('peter', 'paul', 'mary');
foreach($names as $key => $val) {
$names[$key] = strtoupper(strrev($val));
echo join('&', $names);

Functional php:

$names = array('peter', 'paul', 'mary');
echo join('&', array_map(create_function('$val', 'return strtoupper(strrev($val));'), $names));

Functional php 5.3:

$names = array('peter', 'paul', 'mary');
echo join('&', array_map(function($val) { return strtoupper(strrev($val)); }, $names))


$names = newArray(VString, 'peter', 'paul', 'mary');
echo $names->map(L(val)->reverse->upper)->join('&');

This works by the global function L which takes either 'key' or 'val as an argument and then returns a created function which passes along the same method chain.

Where the real advantage comes to not passing around "string lambdas" i.e. the create_function approach - is when you start dealing with nested lambdas i.e.

functional php:

$listOfList = array(
array('a', 'b', 'c'),
array('d', 'e', 'f'));

echo join('<hr>', array_map(create_function('$val', 'return join(\',\', array_map(create_function(\'$val\', \'return strtoupper($val);\'), $val));'), $listOfList));


$listOfList = newArray(VArray,
newArray(VString, 'a', 'b', 'c'),
newArray(VString, 'd', 'e', 'f'));

echo $listOfList->map(L(val)->map(L(val)->upper)->join(','))->join('<hr>');

So whats next? I am probably going to integrate this with my closure class from my lisp so that you can pass in vars, but immediately my needs are mainly for calling methods on objects in a given array. But I can imagine that being one of the first annoyances people run into.

Basically I am trying to get at the idea that oneliners don't have to be made of gnarleston heston.


@p=(0,1);until($#p>20){print"$p[-2]\n";push @p,$p[-2]+$p[-1]}


echo newRange(0, 1)->expand(L(x)->add(y), 20)->join("\n");

Here is an example of finding primes.


noprimes = [j for i in range(2, 8) for j in range(i*2, 50, i)]
primes = [x for x in range(2, 50) if x not in noprimes]


$noprimes = newRange(2, 8)->map(N(VRange, L(y)->times(2), 50, y))->flatten;
$primes = newRange(2, 50)->diff($noprimes);